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National Campaign To Take Lou Dobbs Off CNN

Lou Dobbs: Self Interested Demagoguery: One who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain ratings

National Campaign To Take Lou Dobbs Off CNN

Why AOL? Lou Dobbs is the number one money maker for CNN so he is not going anywhere as long as he makes money for CNN and right now he is making a ton of money for CNN bashing “illegal immigration.”

CNN is owned by Time Warner and Time Warner also owns AOL which is being extensively promoted to increase its value as witnessed last week by selling 5% of AOL stock to Google. This 5% cost Google $1 Billion setting a benchmark value for AOL stock.

The Google-AOL deal gives AOL a valuation of $20 billion.

Billionaire Time Warner shareholder Carl Icahn who controls 3 percent of Time Warner shares has been organizing a proxy battle for control of Time Warner wants to sell AOL.

We could never directly muzzle Lou Dobbs because the revenue his trashing of Hispanic/Latinos generates for CNN is huge and CNN’s revenue belongs to Time Warner.

The Achilles heel is AOL. If the value of AOL was to decrease dramatically because of the loss of the Hispanic/Latino market, Time Warner, and more so, Carl Icahn, would move to stop this hemorrhage. The only way to stop the hemorrhage would be to meet the demands of the Hispanic/Latino community: Remove Lou Dobbs off the Air.

Why is this so important?

The marches, rallies, and protests have been instrumental in the Senate Judiciary Committee’s adoption of the McCain Kennedy Immigration Reform proposal and its submission to the Senate for debate. The monumental protests have been heard in Washington and around the USA.

As monumental as the protests have energized the Hispanic community, the protests will not take immigration over the top as witnessed by the Senate failing to approve immigration reform.

Time now for a reality check: The US Senate debated immigration reform but the Senate votes to adopt the Kennedy McCain proposal were simply not there!

Something else now needs to be added to the protests to take us to the next level if we are going to realize immigration reform as Hispanics favor.

Lou Dobbs

Lou Dobbs has become the champion zealot of bashing “illegal immigration” each night at CNN promoting HR 4437 as the only way of dealing with “Broken Borders” to protect the USA. The only way to stop Lou Dobbs, the raving populist xenophobe, is to invoke “The Achilles heel: AOL.”

As of March 31, AOL had 18.6 million members in the United States, down from a peak of 26.7 million in September 2002.

Many of these are US Hispanics, in addition, AOL has a growing percentage of Latin America accounts among new users. To increase market share, AOL is being marketed to the Hispanic/Latino internet community for its ease of use. There are other internet companies that are even easier to use, have faster speeds, and are less expensive. With a national Ax AOL campaign especially among our savvy youth with their ever increasing use of text messaging, IM, and Internet, if Hispanics would drop AOL and move in droves to other internet providers, significant pressure would result causing owners of AOL to realize the only way to re-capture market share would be to remove CNN’s Lou Dobbs.

Removing Lou Dobbs off the air would completely disarm the national leader of promoting HR 4437 and would be the most powerful message that could be provided to the Congress, President Bush, 2008 presidential candidates and the entire USA. The demise of Lou Dobbs would be fatal. There would be nowhere for him to land because wherever he surfaced such as FOX, the Ax AOL campaign would follow him by simply changing our name to Ax FOX.

If CNN does not remove Lou Dobbs, we will move to escalate to boycott all CNN corporate sponsors beginning with sponsors of CNN en Espanol. We are approaching $1 Trillion in annual Hispanic purchasing. This is the real strength of Hispanic power.

Hispanic News on April 11 published a new website which will become the vehicle for getting the message out throughout the USA to boycott AOL.

Presently there is no USA website that is coordinating marches, rallies or protests and could become this vehicle for anyone to post what is happening in their community and to get messages out to everyone in the USA.

You can help by emailing everyone in your address book informing them using AOL indirectly pays Lou Dobbs’ salary.

Beginning May 1, the next level of marches, rallies, protests will now include Ax AOL. The red Ax AOL t-shirts will become part of the protests. Spread the word that anyone who uses AOL is subsidizing Lou Dobbs’ promotion of HR 4437’s criminalizing immigrants and anyone who helps them.

We will be promoting alternative products and services from those we are boycotting. If you have a suggestion for an alternative, email me with your recommendation. If you provide a service or product and would like Ax AOL to consider your recommendation, email me.

Jon Garrido

Hispanic News

J[email protected]


April 17, 9:10 p.m. Emails sent to Hispanic News mailing list:

I remember when I came back from serving in the US Army during the Viet Nam war to return home to Superior, Arizona to begin work as a copper miner in an underground copper mine owned by Magma Copper Company.

I joined the AFL-CIO and I vividly remember one strike I became part of in Superior. I remember the “Picket Line” established as a line drawn on the dirt where no scab miner was allowed to cross over to work the copper mine as we were on strike.

Today, after listening to the Lou Dobbs show segment concerning the AxAOL strategy, I now establish a “Picket Line” for all Hispanics not to cross over to appear on the Lou Dobbs show.

I hope all Hispanics will honor this “Picket Line” and support our campaign to bring to an end the theatrical charade displayed by Lou Dobbs each afternoon as he continues to bash Hispanics.

Jon Garrido

[email protected]


This morning (April 17) I received a request to appear today on the Lou Dobbs show.

What follows is the request and my response.

I then emailed our entire email list to state an acceptance by any Hispanic to appear on Lou Dobbs helps promotes his show and our goal is not to promote but to remove Lou Dobbs off CNN. Therefore, all Hispanics are asked to stop all appearances on the Lou Dobbs show. It is a theatrical show, not true unbiased journalistic reporting.

From: Wian, Casey [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 8:49 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: CNN interview request

Good morning.

I am a reporter for Lou Dobbs tonight in Los Angeles. Are you available for an on-camera interview today about your effort to have Lou removed from the air?


Casey Wian


CNN Lou Dobbs tonight

323-993-5092To:‘Wian, Casey’Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 9:01 AMSubject: RE: CNN interview request
Mr. Wian,

We do not want to promote the Lou Dobbs show. We want to remove it from CNN.

Our message to all Hispanics is to no longer agree to interviews with Lou Dobbs.

Jon Garrido

Hispanic News


Centro Nacional de Derecho y Educación de Arizona da a conocer declaración y convocatoria a boicot nacional de AOL, Lou Dobbs y Kimberly Clark

Phoenix, AZ–(HISPANIC PR WIRE)–26 de abril de 2006–Jon Garrido, presidente de la junta directiva del Centro Nacional de Derecho y Educación de Arizona, convocó en el día de hoy al boicot Ax KC — – a causa del patrocinio del representante James Sensenbrenner del proyecto de ley HR 4437, que convertiría en criminales a doce millones de inmigrantes indocumentados, castigando a todo el que les ofrezca ayuda; y además insta a la construcción de un muro de hierro en la frontera entre los Estados Unidos y México. Garrido hizo pública la siguiente declaración:

“Lo que la mayoría de los hispanos/latinos no sabe es que el congresista James Sensenbrenner es heredero de la fortuna familiar de Kimberly Clark. Su bisabuelo inventó la toalla femenina Kotex que condujo al inicio de Kimberly Clark. El Sr. Sensenbrenner sigue siendo accionista de la compañía.

Kimberly Clark fabrica algunas de las marcas más prestigiosas del mundo, como Little Swimmers, Kleenex, Scott, Huggies, Pull-Ups, Kotex, Depend, Poise, Viva, y Cottonelle. La compra de cada uno de estos productos engrosa la cuenta bancaria correspondiente a las acciones que tiene Sensenbrenner en la compañía.

Sensenbrenner quiere edificar un muro entre los Estados Unidos y México. Ahora nos corresponde el turno de construir una muralla alrededor de los productos Kimberly Clark con el letrero: “No los compren”. Necesitamos invitar a todos acá y en Latinoamérica que participen en el boicot de los productos Kimberly Clark.

Por su parte, el boicot Ax AOL — – es una estrategia para que Lou Dobbs salga de CNN. AOL y CNN son propiedad de Time Warner. Dobbs mantiene un programa vodevilesco en CNN usando el pretexto de la información periodística neutral. Lo cierto es que Dobbs lleva la voz cantante entre todos los que quieren arreglar el código de “Fronteras Rotas” a fin de avasallar a los indocumentados, utilizando con frecuencia a Sensenbrenner como invitado. Si estuviera en sus manos, apresarían a los doce millones de indocumentados y los deportarían a México y a sus otros países de origen.

“El primero de mayo es el inicio oficial de los boicots Ax KC y Ax AOL. Por favor, dejen de comprar los productos Kimberly Clark que benefician al congresista James Sensenbrenner. Les rogamos que también les digan a todos que dejen de usar AOL para que Time Warner elimine el programa de Lou Dobbs en CNN”.

Para más información acerca de los boicots Ax está en el sitio Web Hispanic News —

El Centro Nacional de Derecho y Educación de Arizona (ALEC, por sus siglas en inglés) es una organización sin fines de lucro creada en Arizona en el año 2005. Uno de los principales propósitos de ALEC es defender a los inmigrantes indocumentados, y promover reformas migratorias integrales en Washington DC. ALEC trabaja conjuntamente con Hispanic News para proporcionar artículos noticiosos y editoriales de interés a los hispanos en los Estados Unidos. Jon Garrido es el presidente de la junta directiva de ALEC, además de su director ejecutivo.

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